Friday, May 27, 2011

Monday 23 May 2011

Monday 23 May 2011
We will be departing Tumaini for another year and it is somewhat sad to leave our friends that we have shared much time with behind.  They are doing such a great service to the community and country in providing  a great safe environment for these young men and women from the age of 5 to 18.  They have a combined population of about 200 students.  This home is a ministry of the Presbyterian Church East Africa with help from many churches and organizations.
The home is very good at managing money and assets and Nancy and I  got with the manager and purchased another Nanny Milk goat for the children.  We named the goat Hazel for the considerations that my brother and Sister-In-Law Hazel have made for the past four years in supporting our mission work in Kenya.  Thanks JT and Hazel and everyone else that supports the mission work.  Now they will have five milk goats that will be able to furnish enough milk all year round.  Hazel joins the other four milk goats, Nancy, Daisy, Emma, Coretta who were named offer my wife, mother, mother-in-law and sister-in-law.  They are really loved and cared for by Steve and the children.
We enjoyed breakfast and then got the bags packed for the trip to Juja where we will meet Jane and Eunice to look at the possible water site for Juja Homestead Parish Church.  Got there around 1100 and had tea and discussion and based on the initial water survey both Jim and I recommended that they not waste money and time trying to clean the badly contaminated water.  We visited the facility and then we had lunch and tea and departed to Nairobi. 
The construction around Nairobi and the traffic made the trip a very long one but we finally made it to the Scripture Mission in Karen for the night.  We had dinner then we rearranged our luggage and left behind everything we did not need in Mombasa.  I packed in one piece of luggage and a back pack.  It was good to leave the tool kit and cake decorating items behind for a few days.
Finally got on the internet but the computer had a Norwegian keyboard and it was hard to maneuver  the keyboard and you could not upload anything so I tired the wireless and was able to get a little uploaded before I lost connections.
It is bed time since we will have a very long trip to Mombasa tomorrow.
More Later

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