Friday, May 27, 2011

Sunday 22 May 2011

Sunday 22 May 2011
Slept late this morning and did not get up until 0700 and got the coffee going for the crew.  We would be attending different churches and Lee would be doing the English Service at Tumaini.  We were to with Peterson the Parrish Minister to Chorongi church, the newest church in the parish.
We had a great breakfast and discussion of the day’s events which would include a visit for tea to Virginia’s house around 1600 hours.  The fruit was really good today and we also had boiled eggs and pancakes.
Nancy and I went with Peterson to the church and had a great English service where Ann delivered the sermon.  We had enjoyed the sermon last year from Ann at a different church.  We had ten people for the English service but more will be there for the Swahili service.  We had tea and waited for the next service.
The Swahili service started at 1100 and the church was full of people.  There were at least 25 young people at the service and the church was full of adults.  Peterson would finally get his chance to speak and he delivered a very good sermon.  The service was over at 1345.
We had a good lunch at Tumaini and had a little down time before going to Virginia’s for tea.  It was good to sit around and talk without having to get up and take care of something.  The trip to Virginia’s was short since she lives close to the home and the school where she teaches.  While we were at her house I called Katie who went with us last year so that she could talk with Virginia.  They had a great time talking.
Back to the church, dinner and goodbyes.  The people at Tumaini are just wonderful host and go out of their way to make everything perfect.  The committees gave us all gifts that were made at the school.  They teach tailoring so they do a lot of sewing.  I gave Daniel one of the mission crosses that I make and carry to Kenya each year.  I have made about 150 of the crosses from a variety of woods including dogwood, golden rain tree, mahogany and teak.  Francis gave me a piece of camphor wood this year to make crosses out of.
It is back to the room and packing for departure early in the morning.
The children are saying goodbye and wishing us traveling mercy.
More Later

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