Friday, May 27, 2011

Wednesday 25 May 2011

Wednesday 25 May 2011
Up around 0700 and off to the restaurant to get Nancy a cup of coffee and me a cup of hot tea.  She always appreciates a cup of coffee early on the morning if she is awake.  Like many people do not awaken her just to give her a cup of coffee or you might be in big trouble.
Breakfast was good and the scenery and setting was great with all the palm trees and the Indian Ocean.  The little spider monkeys were doing their thing and trying to steal whatever they could.  The people in the restaurant kept them ran off the best they could.  After breakfast down to the beach to see what was going on.  There was a coral reef some distance from the shore so the owners of the glass bottom boats were trying to sell you a trip to see the fish.  The area was actually a marine park setup to protect the coral reef and the surrounding beaches.
At 1100 we met the driver and we went downtown to tour Fort Jesus.  I have some pictures but if you want more information jus Google Fort Jesus, Mombasa, Kenya.  The fort is very large and old but was well throughout and built.  We really enjoyed visiting the fort and the tour guide that Jim hired also took us down through old town to see the 450 year old houses and harbor.  I found a local store that had cold diet Pepsi and it was great at 50 Ksh.  The guide took us to a restaurant but there were no customers so we chose to go somewhere else to eat.  You just do not go to eat at a place with no customers.  We ended up in some small restaurant where the chicken and chips were good.
After lunch we went back to the museum to see the sand paintings and they were not what we expected but they were okay.  Nancy, Lee and I went shopping and found a few items to purchase.  Nancy really enjoys haggling with the people.
We finally made our way back to the lodge and changed clothes and went swimming.  The pool was salt water and very cool so it felt great.
Dinner, conversation and rest
More later

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