Thursday, May 26, 2011

Thursday 19 May 2011

Thursday 19 May 2011
I had a great night of sleep and the children were up early singing and enjoying another pretty day here.  It was misting rain and the birds were still singing their songs.  I got up first and made coffee and did my daily bible study and caught up on my reading that was one day behind.  Everyone was in a great frame of mind and ready for whatever the day would provide or present.  Today would be a busy day going over business plans, water surveys and then testing and operating the water purification system that we had installed last year to be sure the system is functioning properly.
Breakfast at 0800 and it was great to see Gladys, Grace, Elizabeth and others from last year.  The breakfast was great and the mixed tea, milk and water mixed, for making hot tea was good.  After breakfast we had devotion and got ready for the busy day.  Peterson the minister did a great job doing the devotion.  His devotion was maybe 3 – 4 minutes but it was so full of meaning everyone was just impressed with his devotion.  I had a chance to discuss the devotion with Peterson and he explained that when he lived in Nairobi his ministry was on trains and buses and that he only had five minutes to pray, preach, alter call and close with prayer so he had learned to make every word be meaningful and well thought out.  He did a great job.
The business meeting following the service really was great.  I had not been real happy with the lack of communications with the facility and inability to get information regarding the operation of the system.  Your mind will wonder toward the negative in the absence of any information and my mind was wondering if the system was even still there.  With the presentation and seeing what they are doing I am totally pleased with the operation but communications must be improved.
The system tested great and fully operational and Don has no problems running the system.  In the future they will be providing water for the local community and have gotten governmental approval for the operation as a water supplier for the community.  The money they will earn by this venture will help them continue providing the great community services to the children that are homeless.
I did get 13 photos of new birds that I had not seen before.  I kept looking toward Mt Kenya and finally the clouds lifted and I was able to see a little of the summit before darkness fell.
Still no internet at the home so I will continue to write and someday I will upload these entire file
Dinner and conversation then Chris showed up after a long matata (Kenya transportation, usually a Toyota van with 14 seats) ride from Nairobi where he had performed a funeral on Wednesday.
The pineapple I had for dinner was great and it is about to kill me now with the acid from it but it was so good it was worth the pain, well maybe.

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