Saturday, May 7, 2011


Again this year I will be going back to Kenya with friends for the purpose of installing and doing maintenance on the Water Purification Systems that we have installed since 2008.

The group is from Birmingham, Alabama and South Highland Presbyterian Church.  This is one of the many missions that the church supports and one that is dear to the 6 members that will be going this year.  We will be working with a operating partner helping this congregation get their building ready for a water system next year.  We will be visiting Njoro, where we installed in 2008 and 2009, Nyeri where we installed a system last year and Tumatuma Hospital where First Presbyterian of Tuscaloosa, AL installed 2 systems in 2008.  We will check these systems for correct operation and conduct training as needed.  This year we will be joined by two Kenyans from Oklahoma State, Still Water, OK that will be helping us and also looking at the feasibility of  running the water systems by solar power.  We welcome Eunice and Njodi to join us as we take this journey.

I will try to keep the blog updated on a daily basis but sometimes internet service is not available.  I will update with photos as often as possible.  I will also be posting them on facebook.

Keep us in your prayers that we will be good steward of the gifts we have been given and entrusted with.

Thanks and hope you enjoy the journey with us as we fly from Birmingham, AL to Detroit, MI then to Amsterdam then to Nairobi.  Yes our bodies will be tired and dead but our spirits lifted the closer we get to the mission field.

I will see you online later


1 comment:

  1. Hi "D" We were thinking of you two out in the hinder land, and was hoping everything was going great, take care of yourself and you bride and stay in toutch.

    Take Care
    Don B.
