Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Thursday 26 May 2011

Thursday 26 May 2011

Mombasa, Kenya a beautiful hot day ahead of us and we have decided that today is a rest day and maybe later we will go and get something to eat and go out for dinner somewhere.  The breakfast was great and we had time to set on the beach and watch the people and animals go by.  The man with the camel came by and was offering a camel ride to Nancy for 1500 Ksh but Nancy only offered him 100 and he was not very happy.  We did tell Jim about the camel ride and Mary had that on her bucket list so she did take a camel ride on the beach.
I was able to get some work done and at the same time relax and get some cool water to drink.  We had sat around and finally around 1400 we went to the local Nakumatt were we purchased lunch for the fresh deli and they also had a great Tropical Fruit juice that was fresh squeezed at the store.  We had samosas and they were very good.  Samosas are little triangle shaped meat pies that have great flavor and good meat.  We had the meat pie also but it had too much bread.  As always we had a Coke Light for lunch.  While we’re at the market we ask about a good place to eat and La Veranda, Italian restaurant and we planned on coming back for dinner at around 1900.  We had dinner at the La Veranda and the food was the best I have had in Kenya.  I have the Grilled Meat plate with grilled lamb, turkey, chicken, and beef with grilled potatoes and small salad.  It was really a great meal complete with tall Tuskers.
Today has been a very enjoyable day doing very little but still talking and enjoying being on the beach but getting ready for the long trip on Friday back to Nairobi.  Was able to get on the internet and get a little work done but did not stay very long since there were three other people waiting for the computer.  It was bed early and another great night of sleep.
More Later

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