Sunday, June 5, 2011

Friday 3 June 2011

Friday 3 Jun 2011
Had a late breakfast but I was up and in the dining hall around 0700 and was able to get some of updates to the blog and check my emails.  I really enjoyed chatting with seven friends on face book and see what was going on in Birmingham.
Around 1000 we loaded and went downtown Nairobi to do some shopping for many different items.  The ladies were happy that they found a place to purchase loose beads of many different colors and shapes.  They had a great time going through all the jars of beads.  The shop we went to also had many items including the copper bracelets that the vendors wanted 150 Ksh you could purchase there for 50 Ksh.  We enjoyed the people and watching the crowds and then we went to the same restaurant that we had eaten last year but the chicken was very good and I had the whole fish and it was very good and cooked perfect.  They served the fish with chips and a small salad for 320 Ksh or about $4 USD.
We continued shopping and then we went to the paint store to get paint for Chris’s new house.  We had brought the sinks (10) for the bathrooms but he was looking for paint for the house.  We got 4 ea 20 liters containers of primer and 2 ea 20 liters containers of warm cream paint for the walls.  We will have time next week to maybe put some on the walls in Chris’s new house.
On the way back to Karen and the guest house we say an industrial supplier that advertised filters so we stopped and checked them out but they did not have any filters that we could use so they recommended that we contact Davis Shirtliff, which we already do business with.
We got hung up in the rush hour traffic and there was one overturned truck that was really messing up the traffic but we finally made it back to the guest house and dinner.  Met a lady from Bristol Tennessee that is a missionary that lives in Narok and works in the bush but has came to Nairobi for medical service since her two girls had virus and bacterial infections.  She thinks the bad water was the problem and she was also suffering from the same problems.
Dinner is over and it is time for a good hot shower and some sleep.
More later

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