Sunday, June 5, 2011

Thursday 2 June 2011

Thursday 2 Jun 2011
We got up early and had a great breakfast in preparation for departure to Karen.  We enjoyed the visiting with Francis and Irene and then Moses came over to say goodbye before we left.  We were ready at 0900 when Charles came with the van to pick up the luggage and us.  We went to the church and dropped off the plumbing parts and the cake decorating items for Susan.  I was glad to finally hear from Susan, after I called her, about the items she had requested. 
We said our goodbyes and headed toward Nakuru and the open market.  We had a good time at the market and stayed long enough that we went to Gillani’s and had a great lunch.  Once again I had the whole fish and it was great.  We all had a good lunch and then went downstairs to the grocery store to get some water and I purchased a slasher that is used to cut the grass in most people’s yard.  We finished and headed to Karen. 
We got to the Scripture Mission Conference Center where we would stay the night and get ready for departure for Namanga which is on the border with Kenya and Tanzania.  We had a good dinner and I was able to do some computer work that helped me get a little caught up on my blog.
More later

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