Friday, June 3, 2011

Friday 27 May 2011

Friday 27 May 2011
Up early with breakfast at 0700 so that we can depart Milele Beach around 0800 for Nairobi.  We will be dropping Lee off at the Jumo Kenyatta International Airport for his trip back to Birmingham, AL.
Breakfast was good with those good omelets and mixed tea.  We finished breakfast and were able to get the last walk on the beach before getting into the van and departing Milele Beach for the 11 hour drive back to Karen.  The monkey are still playing and begging for food.  They are like many of the little shop owners and street vendors, they will just not stop looking and begging.
What did we have less than 10 minutes into the trip?  You got it.  A massive traffic jam but some matatu driver from the area said follows him and we went through some very interesting areas but came out ahead of most of the traffic so it saved us much time.  The traffic was much less than it had been on Tuesday when we were coming to Mombasa but it was still heavy and roads were no better.  We made good time getting out of Mombasa and were confronted with diversions (Detours), road constructions and break downs the rest of the way.
We had lunch at the same place we had it on Tuesday and food was still good and the Coca Cola light was good and cold.  I had wet roasted chicken, chapatti, and beef rice.  The wet chicken is chicken cooked in a very good tomato sauce with a little spicy peppers, onions and carrots.  The meal cost about 270 Ksh or $2.40 USD plus the coke light at $.75 USD.
We saw very little wildlife and except for a small herd of Eland.  There were many small farms and several large farms especially the sisal farms that covers often times 2 or more kilometers on the road.  It was very interesting that the population was very sparse except in the little towns.  There did not appear to be as many cattle, goats and sheep in the area.  The area seemed to be a lot less fertile once we dropped off the higher elevations and got to around 2000’ ASL.
We made it to the airport around 1815 and Lee had plenty of time to get checked in and processed then sat back and relaxes waiting for his flight at 2230.  I have not heard from Lee but hopefully his flight home was without incident.
We are off to Karen and the Scripture Mission where we will stay tonight before departing for Njoro tomorrow.
More later

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