Monday, June 6, 2011

Monday 6 June 2011

Monday 6 June 2011
Up early and then over to the dining hall for that first cup of tea and checking my email and updating the blog.  It is a beautiful morning and the flowers are in full bloom and so striking. 
Today we are to go to Chris’s house and do some painting but after the night I had on Sunday night I did not go to the house and so I got a little sleep until lunch.  Nancy and I walked over to the house and it took us 45 minutes to walk and after beating on the front gate we were finally able to get into the yard.  We painted a couple rooms with primer and it had no smell or very good coverage but due to the rough walls we recommended that Chris needs to have the walls better prepared before any more painting is done in the house. 
I have recommended that Chris look at completing each room rather than just doing a little here and then a little there.  If he is to get this guest house ready in his life time he needs to have a plan to complete the 6 year project.
We walked back and were stopped by a lady wanting to exchange money and wanted change for a US $50 bill into either small US bills or Kenyan Shilling.  I did not get involved since it could have been a trap.
We made it back to the guest house and got ready to eat dinner.  We had a rather good dinner and then conversation before going to bed.  Tomorrow we will go shopping for coffee and tea so we can get it packed up and ready for departure on Wednesday back to the US.
More later

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