Friday, June 3, 2011

Sunday 29 May 2011

Sunday 29 May 2011
Today is the day that Jennifer is inducted as the Moderator of the Molo Presbytery PCEA.  She will be the only female moderator in the PCEA.
Breakfast is good and Mary and Moses were very enjoyable to have breakfast with.  They both go to boarding schools away from the home so they do not come home very often.  They are both gifted children with a bright future in whatever they undertake.  Mary wants to be a News Lady on the TV and not sure what Moses wants to be. 
It is time to go so we are off with Francis, Nancy, Mary, Moses and myself in the car headed toward Molo.  Molo is about 45 minutes from Njoro and is on the main road to Kisumu and Lake Victoria which we will visit later in the week.  We made great time and got to the service early so having been to the Kenyan Swahili services before I thought it best to get something to drink and eat before the services started.  Jennifer has a rather large church provided home in Molo since she stays there all week to serve the Presbytery.
The weather was great and the crowds kept coming.  Because the size of expected crowd we had the service outside in the open area where they had years ago built pews under metal roofs.  The overflow would side on the retainer walls, rocks, chairs and the ground.  The crowd filled the pews and everywhere there were people and many were sitting on the ground.  This was a big day and many of the churches from the Presbytery were there.  Many of the churches rented buses to bring them to the service.  There was much singing and praying and preaching.  The service started at 1030 and continues until 1615 then we were fed a nice lunch with traditional foods and Uji to top off the meal.  Uji is a porridge that most people here really like but looks like wall paper paste to me.  They served the Uji in a calabash, which is half of a gourd.  I tried it but it was no better than last time but Nancy really liked the Uji.
After the service and lunch we hurried home to accept 34 of Jennifer’s relatives and Jennifer for a word of congratulations and a drink.  The choice was Stoney, ginger flavored tangerine, orange, coke, grape, water and krist, lemon/lime drink.  It was a joyful time for the family and I got to meet Jennifer’s mom which was very sweet.
It had been a long day for all and Jennifer’s uncle Peter from Nyeri was staying as house guest also.  It is always surprising how many people Francis and Jennifer can house in their home.  The door is always open to those on the road or who needs help.
Tomorrow we will check out the water purification system 
More later

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