Sunday, June 5, 2011

Saturday 4 June 2011

Saturday 4 Jun 2011
Up early and by 0615 I was drinking my first cup of coffee and checking my email.  I carried Nancy a good cup of coffee and she was happy.  We are scheduled to depart at 0800 for the trip to Namanga and need to be there by 1230.  We made several side trips and the roads were very bad in some areas and yet some of the highway was great.  You just never know when you are going off the main road and onto the rough cross country dirt road.
We made it to Namanga on time and met with our host John Keen for tea and lunch.  We had good conservation and enjoyed seeing John again.  It was a very good lunch and then we went to cross the international boundary and do some shopping in Tanzania.  It was not much but it was different and always good to see what is available.  We wanted some jewelry and the swams of women were ready to sell you whatever they had and wanted you to take their pictures for 100 Ksh each.  We ended up not buying anything from the vendors but came on back to the facility and walked the grounds.  It is very interesting the varieties of flowers that they have and the plumerias were in several colors and with great fragrance.
There was no Wi-Fi so I just wrote the entry and when I get back to Karen I will put it online.  We sat around and had good conversation and had dinner at 1930.  The goat was a little resilient but the fish was very good.  We sat for the longest at the dinner table talking and drinking mixed tea and finally went to the room and the hot shower felt great.
We will be going back to Karen on Sunday
More later

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