Sunday, June 5, 2011

Tuesday 31 May 2011

Tuesday 31 May 2011
Up early so we can get to Kisumu and the Lake Victoria area.  Breakfast was great and why can’t we have a breakfast sausage that is as good as the chicken sausage that we have here?  I drank an extra cup of tea and then off to the church to catch the van.  
Nancy went with Chris to the clinic to get some additional medicines to replace the ones he had lost or dropped into the pit.  We got off around 0830 and planned on the trip lasting about 4 hours.  We gave Phillip a ride to Elburgon where he teaches computer sciences.  We headed toward Kisumu and just about 5 miles out of Molo we had an accident.  Nancy was sitting in the back seat without her seatbelt on Charles the driver hit a speed bump going too fast and it threw her up into a broken cab light and cut her head open.  It bleed very much but were pulled off the road and between Mary and I we got the blood stopped and were able to see the cut and determine that there was no need for stitches.  I recommended that we return to Njoro and skip the trip to Kisumu but the answer was NO we will go ahead as planned.  She took some meds and we continued toward Kisumu. 
The area around Kericho was very hilly with an altitude of 8250’ ASL and there were many tea plantations and large forest of big trees.  The tea plantations were really neat with all the tea plants and the organized houses for the workers.  The layout of the plantations was like something that you would draw out on a drawing board.  Everything looked perfect and in order.  Nancy purchased a couple bags of tea to try and compare with the tea from the Nyeri area.
We made it to Kisumu and shared lunch with Joshua who had helped with the electrical installation of the Njoro water system.  We are at the New Lake Victoria Hotel and the whole fried fish was very good.  After lunch we went to the lake and visited a resort on the lake also.  We decided to return to Njoro instead of staying in Kisumu since we were finished with the tour before 1600.
We made it back to Njoro in about 4 hours and were happy to be back home.  We had dinner around 2115 and got ready for bed.
More later

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