Monday, June 6, 2011

Sunday 5 June 2011

Sunday 5 Jun 2011
A beautiful morning in Namanga, Kenya awakens with the monkeys running on the roof of the cabins that we were staying in.  Up early and needing a cup of coffee but the cafe was not open so I just walked the grounds and took some photos especially the fog or cloud cover ridges that were behind the cabins.  The birds were very active and singing their songs and the turtles were doing their things.
The cafe opened and the breakfast was very good and the Spanish omelets were very good.  We had good conservation as the silk monkeys ran all over the cafe roof and looking at the windows.  The monkeys are always looking for something to eat and they really like to steal items.  We planned for a worship service after breakfast and also invited the cafe staff to come if they wanted to.
Silas led the worship service and Jim did the message and we sang a couple songs.  It went well.
We sat around and waited on the host but the word finally came that he was not coming so we had lunch and prepared for the trip to Nairobi.  We plan for another long trip and it should be about four hours of whatever comes up.
We departed and started the trip and it passed by rather fast and the rough sections of the road were ever worst than the trip down.
It was good to get back to the guest house and get a few things done in preparation for departure.  It was dinner time and the dinner was the worst meal we had since we have arrived in Kenya.
More later

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