Friday, June 3, 2011

Saturday 28 May 2011

Saturday 28 May 2011
Everyone showed up for breakfast and Jim had what looked like an infected eye or the area just under his left eye.  It was swollen and after everyone looked at we decided that he needed to see a doctor.  Chris suggested the hospital that would be on the way to Njoro.  We went to the Presbyterian Hospital near the Presbyterian Church of the Torch (PCEA) which had a specialist in eyes and vision care.  The good news was that it was not really bad but the doctor prescribed the medicine which Jim got at the hospital.  The facility was very nice and Nancy and Mary approved of the facility and especially the professional care provided.  The cost of the entire encounter was 900 Ksh or just over $10.00 USD. 
After we finished with the hospital we continued to Njoro and with a couple of interesting side trips to see several items we went to the Kijabe Hospital which is part of the Kijabe Mission Station for central Kenya and lot of the Rift Valley.  This is the central base or compound for missionaries from around the world and they have a large international school, Rift Valley Academy, which is a boarding school with about 500 students with most of them being in high school.  Met one of the instructors from Philadelphia and he had been there 4 years with no intention of leaving anytime soon.  This would be a wonderful place to operate from with great lodging and some of the largest trees that I have seen in Kenya.  The hospital was rather large and provided many services to the community. 
We took a badly rutted road from there to the Rift Valley and hit the main truck route toward Nakuru.  Time was running out and thanks to cell phones we were able to call and tell of our delayed arrival in Njoro.  We finally made it to Njoro and was welcomed by many of our friends and invited in for hot tea.  It was really great to talk with them and hear of the happening over the past year.  We were told which family we would be staying with but we had already talked with Francis and Jennifer and they made it clear that our bedroom was ready for us and that when we are in Njoro that their home would be our home.  We discussed many items and to our great pleasure the children Mary and Moses were home for the induction of Jennifer as Moderator of the Molo Presbytery.  We had never met the children before but it was great to finally meet them.  Both of the children were super nice and friendly. 
We got the details regarding going to Molo for Jennifer’s induction on Sunday so it was time to get some rest and be prepared for a full day tomorrow.
More later.

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